Public history as a new participatory model for interpreting the past: Inspired by the evolution of digital participatory sciences, the 5-year project of FNR ATTRACT Fellow Thomas Cauvin will facilitate interactions between academics, cultural institutions, and the general public to contribute to a democratisation not only of access but also of the production of history.
The project takes place at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg thanks to an FNR ATTRACT fellowship endowed with 2 million euros (over five years).
The project goes beyond digital technology and citizen science and proposes to apply participatory practices to public history as a whole. Focusing on economic development and community uses of Luxembourg’s industrial heritage, the project will develop innovative models and guidelines to encourage history in public spaces. In order to make public history the new citizen science of the past, Thomas Cauvin’s team is also working with multiple partners to support new history courses in universities so that students can communicate, share and use history in and with the public.
Discover more in our video below!
Video created by ScienceRelations on behalf of FNR.